Revista Pedra&Cal

Congresso Internacional da Europa Nostra


04 Editorial
 Vítor Cóias

Congresso Internacional da Europa Nostra
 Teresa Tanen

08 A Sinagoga Portuguesa de Amesterdão
Simbolo da idade de ouro do judaismo sefardita
 Esther Mucznik

12 Os Orgaos da Basilica do Palacio Nacional de Mafra
Um dos projectos de maior ambicao na organaria europeia
 Sara Pires

16 The Gunpowder Factory in Vale de Milhaços
 Jorge Custódio, Manuela Moreira

The culture that creates a city. The city that creates culture
 João Serra

22 A Qualification System for Heritage Conservation and Traditional Building Rehabilitation
The conservation of built cultural Heritage - monuments and historical buildings -along with the rehabilitation of the traditional building stock, have been growing in importance in terms of the overall economy of most countries...
 Vitor C6ias

26 A·prop6sito dos perigos da Reabilitação Urbana Simplex
0 estranho caso de Jéssica que matou a avo'
 Maria Ramalho

28 ENTREVISTA A lgreja de Sao Jose dos Carpinteiros
A partir de uma conversa com Gonçalo Ribeiro Telles

32 O Palacio de Monserrate
Conservação e Restauro da Sala de Jantar e Copa
 Carla Pereira, Carlos Costa, Cristina Campos

34 0 Palácio do·Conde do Bolhão
Intervenção de Conservação e Restauro
 Miguel Monteiro

36 O Mosteiro da Batalha
Recuperação da Cobertura da Sala do Capítulo
 Sónia Felgueiras, Filipe Ferreira

38 A antiga Igreja de Ramalde
Intervenção de Conservação e Restauro
 Eduarda Vieira e Rita Rodrigues

41 A Igreja Matriz de Valongo
Reabilitação da cobertura de madeira
 Esmeralda Paupério, Tiago Ilharco, Anibal Costa

44 A Beneficiação da Casados Patudos
Reabilitação das Coberturas
 Pedro Santos

47 As Pesqueiras do Rio Minho
 Antero Leite

50 Vida Associativa

52 Notícias

54 Agenda

55 Livraria

56 Associados GECoRPA

58 Perspectivas
Turismo Cultural ou Conservação da Banalização?
 Jose Aguiar

Preço: 5,00 €

N.º 52
Congresso Internacional da Europa Nostra

Editorial por Vítor Cóias

Welcoming Europa Nostra

Europa Nostra and GECoRPA, the Portuguese Heritage Guild, coincide in most of their goals: both are fully committed to safeguarding the built cultural heritage; both campaign against threats to vulnerable heritage buildings, historical centers and landscapes, both lobby for sustainable policies and pursue excellence as an objective in all conservation and restoration actions of the built cultural heritage.
This identity of objectives was recognized by our association, right from its onset and explains our longtime membership with Europa Nostra.
Architectural heritage being the work of the master builders of old, GECoRPA believes that their successors, present day qualified builders, organized in appropriately structured companies, are in the best position to carry out, in practice, the actions necessary to its conservation and restoration.
However, GECoRPA also recognizes the multidisciplinar character of this field, and therefore the need to bring together various disciplines and skills, namely those related to art history, archeology and conservation science.
As the contribution brought about by the enhancement of cultural heritage to the competitiveness of towns, regions and countries becomes more and more clear to the decision makers, both public and private, a growing demand for smart preservation and restoration will certainly follow.
Aware of the high responsibilities involved in dealing with the Heritage, all the way from strategy definition to actual jobsite activities, GECoRPA gives top priority to the qualification of enterprises operating in this field. Such qualification depends chiefly on the company’s  organizational capacity, and on the skilled craftsmen, capable technicians and competent managers present in its staff. These are precisely the two main attributes on which the qualification system proposed by our association is based. GECoRPA’s proposal contributes to the attainment of a three-fold objective: better quality of the interventions, higher added value of the services rendered by the sector’s enterprises and a strong stimulus to the much needed workforce qualification.
As a member of Europa Nostra, our association, which celebrates this year its 15th anniversary, is happy to welcome the European Heritage Congress 2012 and to cooperate with Centro Nacional de Cultura in its organization. The issue of “Pedra & Cal” which you have in your hands includes some material in English, intended for the foreign participants, namely a description of the old Black Gunpowder Factory of Vale de Milhaços, one of the items in the technical visits program, and a brief explanation of the above mentioned enterprise qualification system. It also highlights some of the subjects of the congress in the intention of the Portuguese Heritage stake holders, either congress participants or at large.


A Fábrica de Pólvora de Vale de Milhaços
Singularidade e inovação de um complexo fabril do património industrial português

Jorge Custódio – Professor de Arqueologia Industrial na FCSH – UNL
Este texto corresponde a uma versão mais extensa, e em português, do artigo que integra a P&C nº 52 (página16).

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